New Year

The world hinges on a moment,

an hour when this concept of calendar

brought into fashion by Julius Caesar

seeking convenience amidst conquering,

becomes the standard on which we pin

hopes, dreams, intentions.


Pick a time in space,

like the biblical god of Abraham,

and call it good.


Only why not carry that resolve

to do better, to love our fellows,

into practice with the dawning

of each day?



11 thoughts on “New Year

  1. From Virgo Magic, a great astrologer here on WordPress: On the edge of this new year, we’re already in the field of the high-pressure Capricorn New Moon on January 1 (3:15 am Pacific), the intensity of which accurately reflects the cosmic energies of 2014. The Sun and Moon conjoin with Pluto, square Mars and Uranus and oppose Jupiter – all of which translates into a mega-activation of the Cardinal signs, which are about initiation, leadership, and the courage to create a new beginning. My anthem for this New Moon, and maybe the whole year, is … “Say Yes.”


    1. I’m saying yes to more green tea and kale. It’s an easy resolution of sorts as I’ve already been inclined to drink more green tea and eat more kale of late. I’m going to initiate a friend at work to ‘kale chips’ tomorrow and have fun leaving a big gallon ziplock bag full of some incriminating-looking, dried green stuff lying conspicuously around just for the fun of it.


  2. Dear Bela,

    At the outset, Season’s greetings and wish you a great 2014 ahead.

    But we do need a reference point, even a context which allows us to renew our intentions for a forward looking future? Do we not need that excuse to shed old baggage and renew our passions? I suppose as the clock strikes that hour and minute, it is that ‘time in space’ that allows us a clear space to do all this.

    With blessings.



    1. Shakti, you’re such a dear.

      Yes, coming from a culture which seems to collectively honor ritual, I support your idea that it’s important to have those days and markers to focus on. It isn’t always the case in my country, to honor rites of passage in a sacred manner. Too often such gateways are marked with partying and debauchery. And I say this without judgment – it’s just how it is.

      I was wishing everyone a Happy NewYear last night, and still am doing so. I guess what I was trying to get at in this poem is, why wait? I don’t know about your country’s religions and customs as well as I might, but it’s a popular Christian practice to go unconscious all week, only to seek redemption simply by going to church on Sunday. Then back to cursing your lot and beating your kids come Monday (sometimes literally, but I’m speaking figuratively, here).

      I’ve been told that Catholics can live their lives pretty much however they choose, because as long as they receive deathbed blessings of a priest who supposedly absolves them of all their sins, they have an excuse for unconscious behavior, as well. Of these things mentioned, I am not so sure. I question them. Why not attune oneself to kindness, moment-to-moment; most importantly, kindness to oneself? Why not simply be aware of our actions and consequences; thus renewing intentions on a daily (or moment-to-moment) basis?

      Anyhow, wishing you and yours the very best in this, our collectively chosen New Year! Thanks, as always, for your comments.

      Many blessings,


  3. Well, speaking practically, the gyms and exercise facilities fill up to bursting every year about this time, only to peter off early in February. I find this irritating every year…because it is so predictable. But speaking more poetically, I do love your idea of greeting each new dawning with a resolution. I am trying to practise this in a small way: to remind myself each morning when I wake about what is really important for the day – kindness, generosity, largeness of spirit. (Important for me.)

    I love ritual and celebration and many aspects of tradition…but I despise the movement in lockstep that our culture (North American) seems to excel at. Sigh. But that maybe, is just my smallness of spirit…which you have nicely shone a bit of light on enlarging.


    1. “Movement in lockstep” is the most poetic thing I’ve read in awhile. I can totally see it/feel it. And agree with your cultural assessment.

      I don’t believe you have a smallness of spirit, from what I’ve read and you have written. We all have fear, we all have confusion. I’m happy to have shone a bit of light on something for you. With each affirmation of helping another, I feel as though I’ve offset my carbon footprint a bit more πŸ˜‰

      Aloha, VivianLea, and best in all future endeavors. Always great to see you here.


      1. I hope you will forgive me for not ‘appearing’ more often…I am having serious troubles with my browser. I am reading and catching up whenever I can…best, Bela πŸ™‚


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