

The poem that had to be written at two in the morning;
was it carried on the wind building force in the night,
pushing harder on my head until, evoking surrender,
I turn the page and silently push the pencil,
watching words forming, shapes curving alongside
one another, forging bond between graphite
and sinew, seemingly benign,
but lest it appear deceptive, consider:

These words cast upon vellum one twilight
in the midst of my days will remain
long after this puzzle life breaks apart,
leaving only a specter which once I perceived
to be me, as if the I who loves you
could be captured
on a page.



28 thoughts on “Eternal

    1. Ooohhh, thanks for checking in! Absolutely! It was a rough move, as moves have gone in the past, what with containers and vehicles on barges and dogs and Covid – ayeee!! But we are now settling in quite well, thank you. Continuing to modify this house to better suit us, and to prepare for winter. It’s coming along nicely!

      Hope all is well with you! One day perhaps we shall meet 😉 Take care.

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks, Eliza! I have missed wp, but nothing to do, for we have had our hands over-full with this move. Seems things are now settling down, and I can get back to some creative work. Good to see your lovely photographs, once again! Take good care. ❤


    1. Thanks, Kerfe! And yes! High desert sunsets are as unique to us as Hawaiian sunsets, but for totally different reasons. Has to do with the droplets of water in the atmosphere, or lack thereof(?!) according to a scientist reader, Swarn Gill. Be well! ☮️

      Liked by 1 person

  1. What lovely visuals Bela.

    As I look at them in the context of these lines you have written, and I quote,
    ” ….These words cast upon vellum one twilight
    in the midst of my days will remain long
    after this puzzle life breaks apart, leaving
    only a specter which once I perceived to be me” ‘

    I somehow get a feeling that I am standing far, far away in the Universe, looking back at the earth as a speck in the distance.

    I remain unsure why this thought comes to me.

    Shakti Ghosal

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    1. Many thanks, Shakti. As I am currently re-reading C.S. Lewis’ “Space Trilogy,” your comment does, indeed, make some sort of sense, to me at least! We are so small. So infinitesimally small, and yet the ego makes us feel far grander and more important than would seem justifiable. As I cannot read anything without reflection, clearly this came through in my poem. Thanks for picking up on it! Blessings to you and yours, Shakti! 🙏🏽


    1. Thaks so much, Renee! Yes,unfortunately … because I do like my sleep! Yet here I am again, up at 4! Too much stimulation, having to go to town yesterday.

      Take good care, dear one. Wishing you all the best. ❤

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